加拿大移民 > 魁省经验类移民认可的工作

魁北克PEQ技术工人类别认可的工作 - immiknow

- Only paid full-time skilled jobs practiced legally are eligible under the PEQ.

- A skilled job is a job at the managerial, professional or technical level (levels 0, A or B, under the National Occupational Classification).

- A full-time job implies a minimum of 30 hours of paid work per week.

- Full-time work experience gained in the framework of the post-graduation work permit program, a youth exchange program (e.g., Working Holiday, Young Professionals, International Co-op) or an employment internship that is not connected to a study program in Québec may be taken into account if they meet all the requirements of the PEQ.

- No part-time work period can be taken into account for eligibility under the PEQ.

- A job occupied by a candidate as a self-employed worker or for a business that he or she owns, in whole or in part, is not considered under this program.

1. 只有合法获得的全职技术工作才是魁北克经验类移民认可的工作。
2. 技术工作指的是管理、专业或技术等级的工作(NOC技能等级0,A,B)
3. 全职工作指的是至少30小时/周的带薪工作。

4. 通过毕业后工作许可项目、青年交换项目(比如工作假期、年轻专业人员、国际交换合作)或者实习工作中取得的,不属于魁北克学习项目的全职工作经验,如果满足魁北克经验类移民要求,也算作认可的工作经验。

5. 魁北克经验类移民不计算兼职的工作经验。

6. 申请人自雇工作或者为自己的生意工作期间获得的全职或兼职工作经验,都不属于魁北克经验类移民认可的工作。

