移民内参 > 职业列表 > 9463 鱼和海鲜工厂的工人

9463 鱼和海鲜工厂的工人

2023-10-08 3282

9463 鱼和海鲜工厂的工人 Fish and seafood plant workers - Immiknow NOC - LEVEL C 


This unit group includes fish and seafood plant machine operators who set up and operate machinery to process and package fish and seafood products, and fish and seafood plant cutters and cleaners who cut, trim and clean fish or seafood by hand. Fish and seafood plant workers are employed in fish and seafood processing plants. 

9463 鱼和海鲜工厂的工人头衔范例 Example Titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 鱼蛋糕制造者 fish cake maker 
* 鱼罐头的机器操作员 fish canning machine operator 
* 鱼清洁工和刀手 fish cleaner and cutter 
* 鱼切割机操作员 - 鱼类加工 fish cutting machine operator – fish processing 
* 鱼厂工人 fish plant worker 
* 海鲜编制者 - 鱼和海产品加工 seafood preparer – fish and seafood processing 
* 贝类处理者 shellfish processor 
* 贝类剥壳工 shellfish shucker 
* 修整者 - 鱼类加工 trimmer – fish processing 

9463 鱼和海鲜工厂的工人主要职责 Main duties - Immiknow NOC 

### 鱼和海鲜厂机器经营者执行部分或全部下列职责:Fish and seafood plant machine operators perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 设置和操作机器清洗,切割,煮,烟熏,用浓盐水处理,脱水或以其他方式处理鱼或海鲜产品 
Set up and operate machines to clean, cut, cook, smoke, brine, dehydrate or otherwise process fish or seafood products 

* 设置和操作机器,袋,箱或其他包装的鱼类和海鲜产品 
Set up and operate machines to can, bag, box or otherwise package fish and seafood products 

* 检查产品和包装是否有缺陷,以确保符合公司的标准,并按要求进行纠正机器调整 
Check products and packaging for defects and to ensure conformance to company standards and perform corrective machine adjustments as required 

* 记录生产信息,如产品包装数量,重量,日期和类型。 
Record production information such as quantity, weight, date and type of products packaged. 

### 鱼和海鲜工厂刀手和清洁工执行部分或全部下列职责:Fish and seafood plant cutters and cleaners perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 在出售或进一步加工之前剪切,清洁和修整鱼类或海鲜 
Cut, clean and trim fish or seafood prior to marketing or further processing 

* 用刀刮鳞,开膛,分离鱼片和除去废弃部分 
Scrape away scales, cut fish, separate fillets and remove scrap parts using knife 

* 检查鱼片,以确定鱼片部分的最佳的数量和尺寸,根据规格切割部分,并装在容器内进行称重 
Check fish fillets to determine optimal number and size of fillet sections, cut sections according to specifications and place in container for weighing 

* 从龙虾或其他甲壳类动物身上分离并剔除肉,以备制作罐头或进一步加工。 
Disjoint and remove meat from lobsters or other crustaceans preparatory to canning or further processing. 

9463 鱼和海鲜工厂的工人任职要求 Employment requirements - Immiknow NOC 

* 可能必需具备中学教育。 
Some secondary school education may be required. 

* 必须参加在职培训。 
On-the-job training is required. 

9463 鱼和海鲜工厂的工人附加信息 Additional information - Immiknow NOC 

* 随着经验积累,可能晋升到主管职位。 
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience. 

9463 鱼和海鲜工厂的工人其他分类 Classified elsewhere - Immiknow NOC 

* 劳动者在鱼类和海产品加工 Labourers in fish and seafood processing [9618](9618) 
* 主管,食品,饮料及相关产品的加工 Supervisors, food, beverage and associated products processing [9213](9213) 

9463 鱼和海鲜工厂的工人职称头衔 All titles - Immiknow NOC 

* 篮式过滤器管理者 - 鱼类和海产品加工 basket filter tender – fish and seafood processing 
* 填料工 - 鱼类和海产品加工 can filler – fish and seafood processing 
* 罐头灌装机操作员 - 鱼类加工 can-filling machine operator – fish processing 
* 罐头,牡蛎 - 鱼类加工 canner, oysters – fish processing 
* 离心机管理员 - 鱼类加工 centrifuge machine tender – fish processing 
* 蛤蜊剥壳机 - 鱼类和海产品加工 clam shucker – fish and seafood processing 
* 蛤蜊蒸笼 - 鱼和海产品加工 clam steamer – fish and seafood processing 
* 蛤去壳机管理员 - 鱼类和海产品加工 clam-shucking machine tender – fish and seafood processing 
* 清洁工和刀手,鱼 - 鱼加工 cleaner and cutter, fish – fish processing 
* 蟹的屠夫 - 鱼和海产品加工 crab butcher – fish and seafood processing 
* 蟹的蒸笼 - 鱼和海产品加工 crab steamer – fish and seafood processing 
* 治疗者,鱼 - 鱼加工 curer, fish – fish processing 
* 刀手,鱼 - 鱼加工 cutter, fish – fish processing 
* 鱼片刀手 - 鱼类加工 fillet chopper – fish processing 
* 切片机操作员 - 鱼类加工 filleting machine operator – fish processing 
* 切片机安装员 - 鱼类加工 filleting machine setter – fish processing 
* 灌装机操作员 - 鱼类和海鲜产品 filling machine operator – fish and seafood products 
* 鱼剔骨者 - 鱼类加工 fish boner – fish processing 
* 肉鸡鱼 - 鱼加工 fish broiler – fish processing 
* 鱼的产品处理器 fish by-products processor 
* 鱼蛋糕模型工 - 鱼类加工 fish cake former – fish processing 
* 鱼蛋糕制造者 fish cake maker 
* 鱼蛋糕制造者 - 鱼类加工 fish cake maker – fish processing 
* 鱼糕处理器 - 鱼类加工 fish cake processor – fish processing 
* 鱼罐头的机器操作员 fish canning machine operator 
* 鱼罐头机器操作员 - 鱼类加工 fish canning machine operator – fish processing 
* 鱼的清洁工和刀手 fish cleaner and cutter 
* 鱼的清洁工和刀手 - 鱼类加工 fish cleaner and cutter – fish processing 
* 鱼厨师 - 鱼类加工 fish cook – fish processing 
* 治疗者鱼 - 鱼加工 fish curer – fish processing 
* 鱼刀手 - 鱼类加工 fish cutter – fish processing 
* 鱼切割机操作者 - 鱼类加工 fish cutting machine operator – fish processing 
* 鱼切割机安装员 - 鱼类加工 fish cutting machine setter – fish processing 
* 鱼装饰者 - 鱼加工 fish dresser – fish processing 
* 鱼机和磨床管理员 - 鱼类加工 fish dryer and grinder tender – fish processing 
* 鱼机管理员 - 鱼类加工 fish dryer tender – fish processing 
* 鱼卵处理者 - 鱼类加工 fish egg processor – fish processing 
* 炸锅鱼 - 鱼加工 fish fryer – fish processing 
* 头鱼 - 鱼类加工 fish header – fish processing 
* 鱼内脏处理工 - 鱼类加工 fish offal processor – fish processing 
* 鱼油提取管理员 - 鱼类加工 fish oil extractor tender – fish processing 
* 鱼浆磨床 - 鱼类加工 fish paste grinder – fish processing 
* 鱼工厂机器操作员 - 鱼类加工 fish plant machine operator – fish processing 
* 鱼厂工人 fish plant worker 
* 鱼压运营商 - 鱼类加工 fish presser operator – fish processing 
* 鱼处理器 fish processor 
* 鱼产品生产商 - 鱼类加工 fish products maker – fish processing 
* 鱼剥皮工运营商 - 鱼类加工 fish skinner operator – fish processing 
* 鱼的烟腔管理员 - 鱼类加工 fish smoke chamber tender – fish processing 
* 鱼薰制工 - 鱼类加工 fish smoker – fish processing 
* 鱼分配工 - 鱼类加工 fish splitter – fish processing 
* 鱼棒机管理员 - 鱼类加工 fish stick machine tender – fish processing 
* 鱼修整者 - 鱼加工 fish trimmer – fish processing 
* 鱼清洗机管理员 - 鱼类加工 fish-cleaning machine tender – fish processing 
* 鱼处理机器操作员 fish-processing machine operator 
* 鱼类加工机管理员 fish-processing machine tender 
* 鱼类加工厂工人 fish-processing plant worker 
* 鱼剥皮机操作员 - 鱼类加工 fish-skinning machine operator – fish processing 
* 冷冻鱼刀 - 鱼类加工 frozen fish cutter – fish processing 
* 锅,鱼 - 鱼加工 fryer, fish – fish processing 
* 手工贝处理工 - 鱼和海产品深加工 hand shellfish processor – fish and seafood processing 
* 龙虾处理工 - 鱼类加工 lobster processor – fish processing 
* 机器操作员 - 鱼类加工 machine operator – fish processing 
* 牡蛎罐头 - 鱼类加工 oyster canner – fish processing 
* 牡蛎打包机 - 鱼类加工 oyster packer – fish processing 
* 牡蛎剥壳机 - 鱼类加工 oyster shucker – fish processing 
* 的牡蛎垫圈管理员 - 鱼类加工 oyster washer tender – fish processing 
* 打包机,牡蛎 - 鱼类加工 packer, oysters – fish processing 
* 工厂工人,鱼 plant worker, fish 
* 编制者,海鲜 - 鱼和海产品加工 preparer, seafood – fish and seafood processing 
* 加工厂的工人,鱼 processing plant worker, fish 
* 扇贝剥壳机 - 鱼和海产品加工 scallop shucker – fish and seafood processing 
* 海鲜编制者 - 鱼和海产品加工 seafood preparer – fish and seafood processing 
* 贝类处理者 shellfish processor 
* 贝类处理者,手 - 鱼类和海产品加工 shellfish processor, hand – fish and seafood processing 
* 贝类分隔管理员 - 鱼类和海产品加工 shellfish separator tender – fish and seafood processing 
* 贝类剥壳工 shellfish shucker 
* 贝类剥壳工 - 鱼和海产品加工 shellfish shucker – fish and seafood processing 
* 贝类加工机管理员 shellfish-processing machine tender 
* 虾削皮工 - 鱼和海产品加工 shrimp peeler – fish and seafood processing 
* 虾削皮管理员 - 鱼类和海产品加工 shrimp peeler tender – fish and seafood processing 
* 虾的处理工 - 鱼和海产品加工 shrimp processor – fish and seafood processing 
* 剥壳工 - 鱼和海产品加工 shucker – fish and seafood processing 
* 剥壳工,蛤 - 鱼类和海产品加工 shucker, clams – fish and seafood processing 
* 剥壳工,牡蛎 - 鱼类加工 shucker, oysters – fish processing 
* 剥壳机,扇贝 - 鱼和海产品加工 shucker, scallops – fish and seafood processing 
* 斯金纳运营商 - 鱼类加工 skinner operator – fish processing 
* 剥皮机安装员 - 鱼类加工 skinning machine setter – fish processing 
* 烟腔嫩,鱼 - 鱼加工 smoke chamber tender, fish – fish processing 
* 分离工,鱼 - 鱼加工 splitter, fish – fish processing 
* 蒸笼,蛤 - 鱼类和海产品加工 steamer, clams – fish and seafood processing 
* 修整者- 鱼类加工 trimmer – fish processing  

上一页 5111 图书管理员
下一页 9412 铸造工人









